Friday, March 27, 2009


Same time, I wake up at 715am because I still need to have more revision on APPG. Today is APPG theory test I am nervous and really scare I will fail this test. I do not want to retake APPG again because yesterday I have got APPG timetable and is from 5pm to 6pm too tiring. I must pass this module and at least a B if can A will be better. I think I will work harder for this and next week so I do not have to rush at the end of the trip. Today journey to the YangTze Optical Fibre And Cable Company Lte was short not more than half an hour we reach already. The environment of that company is clean and tidy totally different from the one we saw at the making steel roll that company, is also quiet at that place. We learn how to make the optical fibre today is actually from a huge rode of glass into a very tiny strip of hair size optical fibre by melting it and using the advance technology. Nowadays technology is getting more and more advance around the world especially in a growing country like China. I think China is a good in setting up business in future, here got huge population and is getting more prosperous each day. Different colours of the fibres actually help to differentiate different type of fibres so if you need to use it is easier for you to get it. Will the glass rode makes into the tiny optical fibres break easily? According to the person, the tiny is however more flexible and not break easier than the huge glass rode. Also, ISO said that a guarantee of 25 years is to be given to every optical fibre. Then we have our APPG theory test 1.Time fly so far we are at near to the end of our week 4 but because of that I am kind of happy because I miss my parents and boyfriend. This theory I hope I can pass because I got put in lots of effort to study. I am very nervous about the theory test at that moment but after I finished I feel more relief because we have already pass two important tests left the last one and mini project. Lastly, we eat at KFC for dinner again! Its Friday of the fourth week which means I am going home soon and Saturday and Sunday are both free from school work day. Yeah! 18 days more and I am going back to Singapore! McDonald and KFC in Singapore I miss you!

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