Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Today, we have our APPG lesson, we going to learn chapter 5, heard from friend who did the lab 5 had said that this lab is hard to do. After teacher helping us with the tutorial 5 I know that the lab test I would not be able to finish by today. After looking it through it make me more confirm about that. I did study chapter 5 in the morning before I go to school, hopefully I can understand what teacher teach today but it seems opposite. Later, after our lunch we did the lab theory trial test paper. At first I thought I will not be able to do it but after trying and after seeing teacher answer I realise I pass the paper. I feel less pressure but I still will continue studying. After the APPG lesson, Yongxin, Wenhao, Jayden and me went to the Hu Xuan night market. Today, we ate something like the KFC but are cheaper than KFC by a lot a meal costs like RMB6. Then I also ate something like waffle called the Ke Ke Dan Zai, it taste like waffle and is crispy. Later, we went on to shopping. This time I try my best to budget like China people do, in the end I cannot because they can easily know we are not China people because of our accent and we cannot understand their accent too. In Beijing if we want to get the stuffs at that price they will sure give you but here if you want that price even you budget till mad, they still refuse to lower the prices; end up you may even get scolded by them. HuXuan night market is a nice place to shop but now I am looking forwards to HanKou. The people over here said that HanKou stuffs are more expensive. Last but not least, I am going to be back to Singapore in 20 more days! Daddy must wait for me I want to eat Singapore steamboat too.

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