Sunday, March 15, 2009


So tired now, feel like sleeping, today I think very negatively because I think this place do not suit me. Today is a study day so bored, I did not eat breakfast in the morning then I went to class. We really sit there do not much stuffs but suddenly someone went into our classroom, one of our school directors. He talks to us and asked us how we feel, I feel like rising up my hand and said I want to go home. After the speech, he left then we continue with our presentation on History and Cultures of Singapore present by other group. They surprise me with their presentation slides is so perfect I thought they came here to play only but they really make the effort to do everything so well. After this group is us to present I am so scare because I think my slides not enough lucky teacher said our presentation is after lunch. So I have been rushing for the presentation for the lunch time. It stressed me out and this make me more feel like going home. Teacher you are late again! But I do not mind hopefully I do not need to present, we end up not presenting too. During the break at 4 plus, we went to find food I saw my friend bought some buns which are cheap but the sausage bun the sausage so small they still cut into half and the other one was hard like the stone. After school, we went to KFC and eat dinner; I did not eat in the end as I think outside food is so expensive compare to school one. 2030, we have our meeting and I am off again, bye!

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