Sunday, March 15, 2009


Today, I wake up in the morning heard one shocking new, our ECE is going to the three gorges. I am very excited about it. Today lesson starts very early at 8 though that was the normal timing for our lesson to start in Singapore, however we had had a long time did not wake up that early so we force ourselves to wake up that early. This time our girls are not late. Yesterday night, Diyana cannot sleep because she drank a cup of mocha. We went for our history lesson it was boring, shocking and funny. The boring part obviously is the history; the shocking part is our china teacher can speak English eloquently; it is funny because some cultural of them like dance is funny. One of the histories about the most famous war is The Red Cliff; I have heard that from my daddy before is on the burning of ships (also known as Huo Shao Lian Huan Chuan in chinese). All the histories cultures on the food, the food are mostly fish, this is due to Wuhan is 40% surround by the YangTze river, thus making Wuhan a more of a well-known selling fish dishes city. During the lunch time, we went back to our dorm for lunch but we did not really eat because we think that sleep is even better than eating thus I just ate a bread and went to sleep. Later, around 1345 we went back to study again, this time we were to do some IS report, is a long report and we got many different opinion some people think that writing on the food is more important but some of us think that the histories on food are not important. However, I think is important so in the end we still wrote some. Last but not least, today we went to eat the snacks food on the street, I ate the dumpling, so hot and delicious. In my conclusion, I taste something new and I am so happy. Bye!

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