Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Yeah! Another day has past, to me now time like running slow. I hope I can go home as soon as possible. Life is getting more stress here because is getting to the end of many things, test, mini project, and journal and IS report. Today morning we have our China History lesson for IS, the teacher taught us lots of interesting stories in the lesson like the Mong Mother moved house to three different cause Mencius is a boy who love to learn a lot and when he go different place to stay he tend to learn different things but the first two place he went he learn stuffs that her Mum think is no need for his future, at last they moved to a place beside the school that is where Mencius study and become a scholar. Reading so many stories about Mencius and his mum, I realise his mum play an important part in his mum that is why we said your parents will do the best for you. This trip make m learn that without parents especially my mum I will not have learn so much in my life and will not know what is right and wrong. On my way back to dorm after the APPG lesson, I asked people whether they will miss Singapore or not, one of them said no, Singapore more stress than here do, at that moment I was asking myself am I too harsh to myself? But if you feel stress here no one around you then what can you do? But the workload here is more than that when we are in Singapore, don’t they feel stress? I keep asking myself am I too negative? My answer is no, I really feel stress and I miss everyone in Singapore. I cannot because of coming here, then study less. We keep changing our timetable but lucky everything ending soon and I can be more relax after everything, hopefully I will not cry anymore because of school work over here. Lastly, 13 more days more, I am going to be back to Singapore! So jia you to myself I can get over this tough period!

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