Monday, April 6, 2009


Today, I wake up in the morning I started crying for my new day. To me life here is torturing and sad because I missed my family and boyfriend really much that I think if the time continue and the day past so slow I will turn mad. I keep studying to numb myself not to think of them that much but my emotion cannot be controlled. What should I do for today to kill my time without crying and missing them? I prefer to be in Singapore really way more than here do. I ever thought that whether I can ask teacher to go home earlier. I cannot be crying every day right? To me though I am counting down to the day but it seems like is so slow that I cannot wait. This morning I try to study with Sasi and Hweeping. I realise that not only me who miss home so much that I cry but Sasi do. She and me, we kind of regretted coming here. We do ask ourselves why we come here. Today, I really have a battle with my emotion I tried to controlled but failed. Today, I decided to go Tom house to visit; the main reason is to let time past faster followed learning of their cultures. I called my mum today and I really cannot control my tears I cried in the phone, I know my mum is heartache but she just keep telling me that I must be strong, hold on, must “Jia You” because I only left with 8 days and we let you go this trip to train you to be independent. You know to me all these words are so encouraging that I cry even louder and louder. Sasi was beside me and comforting me to calm down so I can tell my mum about the trip to Tom’s house. I must really thanks Sasi and Sasi must hold on like my mum and your mum said is 8 days more. I know Hweeping also missed her parents a lot but she chose to keep inside. Tomorrow is my dad birthday I do not know whether I will cry but I will try my best to control my emotion so he will not worry. I love you Mummy! Daddy I love you too! Left with 8 more days and I will be back to Singapore. The day finally past!

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